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[안내] 일본 Shibaura Institute of Technology 2022학년도 봄학기 교환 프로그램(10/15~30)

작성자 : 운영자
작성일 : 2021-09-08 14:22:04
조회수 : 4,063


<SIT Student Mobility Program Spring 2022>


This is the international office at Shibaura Institute of Technology, Japan(SIT).


With the hope that the pandemic will settle down soon and we can welcome students from all over the world,

we are pleased to make an announcement of the application acceptance for Spring 2022.  


The application/nomination is accepted for the following 2 programs. 

1)  Course Taking Sandwich Program (SDW): Spring 2022 

2)  Research Exchange Program (REP):  1st Entry 2022


Application/nomination period: October 15th to 30th, 2021 

*For this application only, the application start date is set to start on the 15th.


1) Course-Taking Sandwich Program


 - For undergraduate and graduate students

 - Course oriented program

    - From 1 semester to 2 semesters (1 year)

 - Over 100 courses conducted in English. (Also offers Japanese language course)

   - Registration fee : JPY30,000 



2) Research Exchange Program


   - Research-oriented program 

   - For Junior, Senior, & graduate students who have basic/good knowledge to conduct research work independently 

   - Flexible program duration (min. 8 days to max. 1 year) 

   - Over 250 laboratories.

   - Registration fee JPY30,000     


3) Reference: 


4) Online information session 

We are going to hold online information sessions for your students.

It will be a good opportunity for your students to know more about our programs before they apply for programs.   


?September 27th: 10:00^11:00AM (GMT +9:00 Japan Standard Timezone)

?September 27th:  6:00PM-7:00PM (GMT +9:00 Japan Standard Timezone)

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