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[학과행사]화공신소재공학 콜로키움 12월 08일 유정선 교수님

작성자 : 운영자
작성일 : 2022-12-07 12:57:03
조회수 : 1,543


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강연 제목:  Molecular Imaging for Cancer Immunotherapy and Image-Guided Surgery

연사 명: 유정선 교수님  

소속: The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

시간: 12월 08일(목) 11:00~

방식: zoom 온라인 실시간


Molecular Imaging for Cancer Immunotherapy and Image-Guided Surgery




Molecular imaging is defined as characterization and measurement of targeted molecules and biological processes in living subjects. Advances in molecular imaging have come at a rapid pace over the past decade. There are vibrant improvements in development of sophisticated imaging systems, identification of critical imaging targets, and design of better imaging probes. Such imaging technologies are now providing exciting new opportunities to study dynamic biological behaviors in small-animal models, guide novel therapy development, enhance surgical vision, better diagnose diseases and monitor therapeutic response accurately. Cancer is a major cause of global deaths despite substantial improvements in clinical management. Molecular imaging opens a window of exciting opportunity to improve cancer treatment outcome by providing clinical decision-making tools with imaging biomarkers or intraoperative molecular navigation. Here, we share several experiences to develop novel molecular imaging technologies, spanning from immune system targeting imaging probes with small molecules and nanomaterials, a label-free metabolic imaging technique for newly emerged immunotherapy response monitoring, to a real-time intraoperative detection method of peripheral nerves for image-guided cancer surgery. All together our efforts for accurate diagnosis and image-guided surgery will shed light on circumventing previous clinical failure and improving patient outcome of cancer thus reducing overall healthcare burden. 



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